Sunday, October 11, 2015

Getting into a Good Book

Unbelievable weather we are having.  Something more to be grateful for.  Now trying to get inspired to be grateful to do some yard and garden work. 


Some articles that might interest:

HBR has a good article saying best start up entrepreneurs are not college kids but seasoned business people. 

A call for people to think long term.  This is a plea for companies to think long term (one of the things I am actually good at).   It ties to the well known science that people who delay gratification are more successful.  The same is true of companies.

Checking email only twice a day if more efficient.  Not sure I could delay my gratification that long.
My granddaughter, Elizabeth, has such a great and cheerful attitude.  She is just thrilled with life.

When she reads a book she really gets into it.  It helps to use your hands and feet.  This is her getting into a good book or perhaps I should say Elle aime s’approprier d’un bon livre.


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