Tuesday, July 07, 2015

The Stay Interview

I am still learning at a great rate in my new role as Danby CEO.  One of the product lines we sell is air conditioners and dehumidifiers so I now have a different view on hot sticky weather.


I am just back from a previously scheduled one week holiday with kids and grandkids.  All good.

One of the books I was recently asked to review was the Stay Interview - A Managers Guide to Keeping the Best and Brightest by Robert Finnegan

People leave managers - not companies.  We can learn from those who leave to ensure less of that happens.

A summary from my Danby HR director:

The concept of the stay interview challenges the current process of employee engagement and retention efforts. Traditionally, managers and HR professionals have relied on employee surveys and exit interviews to gage employee morale, engagement, dissatisfaction and retention. The stay interview is a simple and clear process that is meant to be used as a preventative tool for managers to better understand issues and also allowing managers and the organization to be more proactive when it comes to employee retention. The goal being to avoid having to do exit interviews in the first place!

The stay interview is essentially a one-on-one meeting with the manager and the employee to find out what is keeping them at the company and understanding what would cause them to leave in the future. It is focused on the employee and their wants; which is a very different approach from mass employee surveys. This process will increase employee satisfaction and engagement, identify department and company strengths and weaknesses, and allow the organization to take a proactive and sincere approach to employee engagement and retention. The stay interview can be effective if the process is followed correctly – right questions, probing, developing effective stay plans. Ultimately, in order to complete a successful stay interview, there must be proper thought and preparations put in prior to the meeting, being able to be direct and honest about deliverables, and actually following through with actions to address needs and concerns. Most importantly,  there needs to be trust between the manager and the employee.


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